Tennis Mechas!
This board sequence is about a world where tennis is now played by giant robots. Click or press the arrow keys to flip.

Chroma Force Forever Boards
Initially, I started with beat boards to plot out the thesis film I am working on.

After the beats, I did a thumbnail pass and boarded the final boards on paper. Click or press the arrow keys to flip.

Robo Fight!
An underground street match between a man with cybernetic arms and a regular unenhanced person who is seemingly indestructibled. Click or press the arrow keys to flip.

Comics I made in 30 minutes to an hour.

This was a board based on the adjective "Brutal". Sumo vs Sumo Baby, I wonder what will happen!Click or press the arrow keys to flip.
Sketchbook Thumbnail Pass
These are examples of how I start my boards. I love to start on paper.